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Friday, 30 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan  

All hail Henry Winkler

30.10.1945 - Current

Wednesday, 28 October 2020



Featuring 12 Writers chosen by me.  If you don't get an invitation this time, DM me @JoeCushnan to be considered for the next run.


The Pivot Questionnaire comprises 10 questions. I have seen it used on the television show Inside the Actor's Studio, presented by James Lipton.  Apparently, Proust was the original inspiration.  The modern questions originated on a French TV show called Bouillon de Culture, hosted by Bernard Pivot.  I have expanded the questions to 12, plus a chance to share words of encouragement on writers and writing.

In a kind of ‘Season 1’, I interviewed creative artists from Northern Ireland. You can look them up on my blog (search Dozen Questions).


This time I am interested in helping to promote writers from anywhere and, from my knowledge of great writers on social media, this is an invitation-only opportunity (for the moment) to promote great work.


If you would like to accept the invitation to participate and to promote yourself and your work with images, links, sample writing, anything you want to say, please let me know.  If not, no problem.  Your answers can be any length.


What’s in it for me? Traffic to my blog. That’s it.

3 THINGS: I do not edit. 2. I intend to share your words, links and images on Twitter.  3. You can use the material freely for your own purposes on your own sites and across other social media platforms.




Q: What is your favourite word? 


Q: What is your least favourite word? 


Q: What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? 


Q: What turns you off? 


Q: What is your favourite song? 


Q: What is your favourite film? 


Q: What is your favourite curse word


Q: What sound or noise do you love? 


Q: What sound or noise do you hate? 


Q: What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? 


Q: What profession would you not like to do? 


Q: If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? 


Q: Any words of encouragement for writers and writing?



If interested (and there is no pressure deadline from my end), copy, paste and answer the questions and send your responses with as many images and links as you like, and a brief bio to:


I will transmit each blog post to the information super highway at least 6 times.

If not interested, please feel free to decline the invitation.


Over to you.  👋


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan  

All hail Hank Marvin

28.10.1941 - Current

Tuesday, 27 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan 

All hail Harry Gregg

27.10.1932 - 16.02.2020 

Monday, 26 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan 

All hail Bob Hoskins

26.10.1942 - 29.04.2014

Sunday, 25 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan 

All hail Helen Reddy
25.10.1941 - 29.09.2020


Saturday, 24 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan 

All hail Maureen O'Hara

17.08.1920 - 24.10.2015 

Friday, 23 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan 

All hail Pele.

23.10.1940 - Current 

Thursday, 22 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan 

All hail Doris Lessing

22.10.1919 - 17.11.2013

Wednesday, 21 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan 

All hail Dizzy Gillespie

21.10.1917 - 06.01.1993


Tuesday, 20 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan 

All hail Jerry Orbach
20.10.1935 - 28.12.2004


Monday, 19 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan 

All hail John le Carré

19.10.1931 - Current

Sunday, 18 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan 

All hail Victor Sen Yung
18.10.2015 - c. 31.10.1980

Saturday, 17 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan 

All hail Arthur Miller

17.10.1915 - 10.02.2005

Friday, 16 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan 

All hail Angela Lansbury

16.10.1925 - Current

Thursday, 15 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan 

All hail P. G. Wodehouse

15.10.1881 - 14.02.1975

Wednesday, 14 October 2020


Planning in November/December, a revisit to my series, A Dozen Questions. This time to promote writers.  Nothing happening at this stage but below you will find the idea to promote yourselves and your work.

Proud of these posts.

If interested, I will get in touch in due course and maybe this will help the writing cause. Dig in. Feel totally free to decline if and when the invitation comes.


Here are the links to the 2018 special guest stars:

Mandy Bingham

Colin Dardis

Anne-Marie Quigg

Gerry Kelly

George Larmour

Geoff Hill

Lynette Fay

Janet Henry

Michael Smiley

Paddy Nash

Edelle McMahon

Kathy Clugston

Brigid O’Neill

Stephen Dunwoody

Colin Breen

Ursula Burns

Charles Lawson

Mairead Healy

Simon Murphy

Anthony Toner


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan

All hail Cliff Richard
14.10.1940 - Current

Tuesday, 13 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan

All hail Paul Simon

13.10.1941 - Current

Monday, 12 October 2020

ALL HAIL #18 - Luciano Pavarotti

I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan

All hail Luciano Pavarotti

12.10.1935 - 06.09.2007

Sunday, 11 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan

All hail Elmore Leonard
11.10.1925 - 20.08.2015


Saturday, 10 October 2020


I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan

All hail Murray Walker

10.10.1923 - Current

Friday, 9 October 2020


 I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan

All hail Don McCullin
09.10.1935 - Current

Thursday, 8 October 2020


 I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan

All hail Joan Hackett

01.03.1934 - 08.10.1983

Wednesday, 7 October 2020


 I have a portfolio of features, reviews, poetry and short fiction published in all sorts of places - Belfast Telegraph, Tribune, Ireland's Own, Dalhousie Review, Fairlight Books, Reader's Digest, Reality, Lapwing Poetry, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Spillwords, Dear Reader, Amethyst Review, Black Bough, to name a selection.  Oh, and the odd BBC radio contribution. I wrote books on retailing, on dealing with job losses and a biography of film star Stephen Boyd.

This is a gallery series of people who have a connection to the date of the post.

My own original Text ©2020 Joe Cushnan

All hail Clive James

07.10.1939 - 24.11.2019