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Saturday, 20 January 2018


(4 of 12 Posts)

The Pivot Questionnaire comprises 10 questions. I have seen it used on the television show Inside The Actor's Studio, presented by James Lipton. Apparently Proust was the original inspiration. The modern questions originated on a French TV show called Bouillon de Culture, hosted by Bernard Pivot. I have expanded the questions to 12.

(For the time being, this idea is restricted to Northern Ireland's creative artists in any field, literature, music, broadcasting, etc. If you are one and are interested in taking part as well as promoting your work, please get in touch via

This post’s special guest is Gerry Kelly who, without doubt, sits at the top table of exemplary broadcasters. He has won a number of prestigious awards and has earned the respect of his peers, and built up a loyal audience of fans who appreciate his relaxed and seemingly effortless style of presenting and interviewing. (I was interviewed by him on BBC Radio Ulster a few years ago for a Belfast Book Festival event and he made this nervous interviewee feel at ease from the start.)

I blogged about his autobiography and here is the link:

Gerry has a brilliant TV and radio CV and continues to feature on Fridays and Saturdays on Radio Ulster, as well as featuring in occasional documentaries through the year. Here is a link to BBC Radio Ulster:


1. What is your favourite word? Please

2. What is your least favourite word? Poverty

3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Family

4. What turns you off? Indifference

5. What is your favourite song? Roll Back The Clouds by Christie Hennessy

6. What is your favourite film? It's A Wonderful Life

7. What is your favourite curse word? Feck

8. What sound or noise do you love? A baby laughing

9. What sound or noise do you hate? A dentist's drill

10. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Barrister

11. What profession would you not like to do? Fisherman

12. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Welcome. You'll know a few in here." 

Gerry Kelly, thank you for your dozen answers to a dozen questions.

Previous posts:
Singer/songwriter Mandy Bingham – 17 January 2018
Poet Colin Dardis – 18 January 2018
Writer & Independent Researcher Anne-Marie Quigg – 19 January 2018

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