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Thursday, 7 June 2018


Over a long period of time, I have jotted down snatches of conversations overheard in the streets, in queues, in waiting rooms and barber shops, on trains, in cafes, pubs and restaurants and all manner of places.

They are all true moments. I have no idea what the conversations were before and after the bits I overheard. Here's a few examples to add to 

“It’s my relationship.
Nobody’s business.
And it suits me.”

“It’s predicated
on a different suite of relationships.” 

“He lies horizontal
and I lie diagonal.” 

“I told him straight
and he didn’t like it one bit.” 

“It’s years since
I did that.” 

She goes on and on and on.
I just switch off.” 

“Ach, you’re joking.
You're not, are you?” 

“I’d rather have a fracture
than a break any day." 

“Probably Greece
but more likely the back garden.” 

“It’s a brand new one.
It’s made of wood.” 

“If that’s what it takes,
I’m all for it.” 

“Really? I can’t imagine
doing that.” 

“No chance.
Not a hope, pal.” 

“She wasn’t even invited.
The cheek.’ 

“You should see the list of things 
he gets free now that he’s a pensioner.” 

“What’s the point of a tattoo
if nobody can see it.” 

“The car park machine
wouldn’t take my coins.”

“Stop touching my arm.” 

“I’m his wife.
Not a passenger."

“It curls my brain.” 

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