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Tuesday, 17 January 2017


I received these books today from Wordsworth Editions. They are new paperbacks of the works of H. G. Wells and they look splendid. They contain novels and stories by one of England's greatest writers. Some of the titles will be very familiar - The War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man, The Time Machine and The Island of Doctor Moreau - and I remember reading them a long time ago, (re-reads beckoning in the coming months!) and loved them for their ingenious plots and twists and their sheer entertainment. Anyone fancying themselves as a writer of fiction should devour these books. There is much to learn, much to enjoy.

I will be blogging about the books and Wells in the coming months but (and you might want to sit down for this) I must tell you the price. Ready? Each book retails at £1.99. ("Cough, splutter Aunt Nellie, did he just say £1.99?")

Yes I did. £1.99 per book (Kindle versions also available at less than that), so there is no excuse.

Here's the link to Wordsworth Editions but you can also find these fine books at Amazon, Waterstones and many others.

Happy reading. Oh, did I mention the price per book?


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