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Sunday, 11 September 2016



Here are some ideas for October features. Some of them may be in your diary already. Some of them may be added to your diary after reading this. Some features may be written by in-house journalists. But maybe, just maybe, I can write something for you.

Let me know what you want, word count, deadline and fee and I will get to work. (A summary of my published work appears below.)

Here's the October list and, if I can help, I look forward to hearing from you.


3 James Herriot was born 100 years ago

4 British Rail began its new 125mph high speed train service - London - Bristol - Cardiff

5 The Jarrow March set off for London 80 years ago

9 The first Sumo wrestling tournament ever to be staged outside Japan (Albert Hall) 25 years ago

12 James Ramsay MacDonald, the first Labour Prime Minister, was born 150 years ago

14 Winnie the Pooh by AA Milne was first published 90 years ago

15 Two Ulster Defence Regiment men jailed for 35 years in connection with Miami Showband atrocity 40 years ago

16 The British government announced plans to ban most handguns after the Dunblane massacre 20 years ago

21 The Aberfan tragedy happened 50 years ago

22 Double-agent George Blake escaped from Wormwood Scrubs 50 years ago

23 Walt Disney's Dumbo had its US premiere 75 years ago

25 The National Theatre complex was officially opened by the Queen 40 years ago

26 Singer Alma Cogan died at 34 50 years ago 


Books: Belfast Backlash; Shops, Shoppers, Shopping & Shafted; Before Amnesia: Seeds Of A Memoir; Shaking Hands; Retail Confidential; Much Calamity & The Redundance Kid; Stephen Boyd: From Belfast To Hollywood; Hamish Sheaney: The Nearly-Man Of Irish Literature; Juggling Jelly; Geek!; A Belfast Kid; Jack Elam, I Gave You The Best Years Of My Life; The Chuckle Files; The Poems Of Hamish Sheaney: Remastered & Expanded; Only Yules & Verses; Only Drools & Corsets; Fun With Words, Fun With Rhyme; Fun With Words, Fun With Noise

Published features, reviews and poetry include - The Galway Review, Scarlet Leaf Review, Derwent Poetry Festival 2015, 2015 Templar Poetry Anthology “Mill”, Octavius Magazine, Ireland’s Big Issue, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Belfast Telegraph, 2013 Belfast Book Festival, Irish News, BBC TV NI “Stephen Boyd: The Man Who Never Was”, BBC Radio Sheffield “Rony Robinson”, BBC Radio Ulster “Saturday Magazine”, BBC Radio 4 “You & Yours”, The Guardian, Tribune, NZ Management, The Grocer, Retail Week, Edge, Open Eye, Yorkshire Post, The Catholic Herald, Cambridge Evening News, The London Paper, Southern Cross, NZ Freelance, Writer’s News, Belfast News Letter, Irelands Own, Fortnight, The Dalhousie Review; Blithe Spirit; The Cannon’s Mouth, Poetry Monthly, Poetic Comment, Bard, Current Accounts, Candelabrum, Decanto, Inclement, Haiku Scotland, Time Haiku, etc. 

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