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Monday, 16 November 2015


On a walk today, I noticed a half-full bottle of Listerine by the side of a footpath
and off went my imagination like an unleashed, up-for-it bloodhound, sniffing
for clues, the who, the why - what lead to this discarded container of blue mouthwash?

On one end of a scale, a quick rinse for kisses and a quickie up against the hedge
or someone who had given up treating bad breath or had lost interest in fresh breath
or had decided that all breath, fragrant or fetid, all breathing, was a pointless routine

or someone who had nicked it from Superdrug thinking it was a kick-start energy drink
only to realise the mistake after a hefty glug. I thought of a poor soul falling off the wagon
after a pledge to Listerine Anonymous, a couple of swigs, no harm done and evidence discarded.

On a walk today, I'm glad I noticed a half-full bottle of Listerine by the side of a footpath
for it took my mind off atrocities, deaths, destruction, terror, anytime without notice,
fear that is not as easy to discard as casual litter on a path, a peaceful path, at least for now.

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