Here's a link to a Belfast Telegraph feature that explains the background:
I was in Belfast at the weekend to see family and to make an appearance on BBC Radio Ulster's John Toal show. Here's a link to the broadcast:
I was talking about my father and my Book 'Before Amnesia - Seeds of a Memoir', a collection of some information I have open his life after he left Belfast. There are some more general memories in there too, some poems and a play, an imagined conversation between a father and a son meeting up after the father's 22 missing years. Let the buyer beware, this book is a mixed collection and hopefully the prelude to a more focused book on my investigations into my father's disappearance. It is subtitled 'Seeds of a Memoir' because I expect to write a fully grown story in due course. If anyone wants to take a chance on it, it can be bought here or here

More on this in due course.