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Friday, 29 April 2016


The ding-dong in the street between Ken Livingstone and John Mann is interesting not only for the important subject that triggered the confrontation but also for its entertainment value. We like to watch stuff like this especially if it involves people in high places. It's a bit like motor racing. Many people watch it for the crashes. We need more public collisions in politics.

But above and beyond interest and entertainment, verbal fisticuffs like this demonstrate a refreshing change to all the sanitised, on message, carefully spun claptrap that we are fed by politicians. Let rip, say I, every now and again to expose true feelings and opinions in slanging matches.

Prime Minister's Questions is the perfect example of questions unanswered or answered in a way that skirts round the issue and allows an opportunity to promote an agenda. It should be renamed Prime Minister's Questions (But Don't Expect Actual Answers). It is political panto that has worn thin, except when Dennis Skinner gets his dander up.

So more ding-dongs, please, in the street with cameras and microphones and let's hear what our politicians really think.

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