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Thursday, 9 March 2023



As a younger man, I was an avid watcher of news and current affairs programmes on television.  I couldn't get enough of them.  But as I have grown older and television has moved on too, I find myself avoiding most news output mainly because of the ever-increasing amount of time allocated to opinions and analysis.  There are genuine experts and self-appointed experts, the latter group pointless padding in some broadcasts.  And don't get me started on presenters asking long-winded questions and interrupting guests who are two or three words into their answers.

I have a particular dislike for what I call the "blether and blah" shows on morning TV in the UK.  Some (most) of the presenters are annoying to me.  But my biggest bugbear is the never-ending caravan of boo-hoo celebrities "reaching out" and "opening up" about some trauma or other in their "journey" to fame.  And the ones who become famous only to realise they don't like the attention, that fame is not what it is cracked up to be.

Within the aforementioned caravan of celebrities are the really, really annoying ones who tell their sob stories whilst simultaneously promoting a latest project.  It seems if you want to be famous, you must have a heart-tugging back story, real or invented, it matters not.  The PR team's job is to ensure punters buy whatever is being flogged if there is emotional baggage involved.

So, for most of the morning and early afternoon, the TV is off.  

From this self-appointed expert, think about reducing your "blether and blah" intake.  

It works for me.

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