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Tuesday, 7 March 2023



I'm not often posting political stuff but the UK government seems determined to leave the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

But, hang on a minute.

This safeguard is essential, surely, to protect all of us.

Governments want unleashed power. And being held to account by the ECHR makes life awkward to say the least.

UK PM Sunak and Secretary of State Braverman, Home Office, Braverman.

As far as I understand it, and I concede this is from Wikipedia and other sources,  here's the take. This gives the government an iron grip on what you can and cannot do.

ECHR rulings have expanded the protection of human rights in every signatory country. Notable rights secured include: 

·  Article 2 right to life including the abolition of capital punishment, and effective investigation of deaths in custody and due to domestic violence

·       Article 3: freedom from torture and ill-treatment, ending police brutality and excessively poor conditions in prisons,[97][98] banning forced sterilization

·       Article 4: Article 4 cases have resulted in the criminalization of forced labor and human trafficking in several countries 

·       Article 5liberty and security, such as ending excessive pretrial detention that resulted in innocent people jailed for years 

·       Article 6right to a fair trial, including quashing wrongful convictions, limiting the length of judicial proceedings to avoid unfair delays, and securing judicial impartiality[104][105]

·       Article 8:

o   Right to privacy, which has included limits on wiretapping and decriminalization of homosexuality

o   Right to family life, including ending child custody regimes which discriminated against men, LGBT people, and religious minorities 

·       Article 9freedom of conscience and religion including conscientious objection, right to proselytize, undue burdens on exercise of religion, state interference in religious organizations 

·       Article 10freedom of expression protections, including quashing of defamation laws that prohibited expressing unflattering opinions or imposed excessive penalties, protection for whistleblowers and journalists who exposed political corruption or criticized the government 

·       Article 11freedom of association and peaceful assembly, such as the right to organize pride parades and political demonstrations 

·       Article 14 and Protocol 12: right to equal treatment, such as ruling against forms of institutional racism against Romani people

·       Protocol 1, Article 1: property rights, including restoration of property illegally confiscated by the state and fair compensation for expropriation


Feast for thought.  

Wake up.

Pay attention. 


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