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Tuesday 8 February 2022


There was a time many moons ago when show business awards events were exciting.  The announcement of nominations and the build-ups were quite something, and we held our breath as envelopes were opened and we waited for the name of the winners.

Now, just about all the fun and thrill has been drained from ceremonies as issues and campaigns hog the platforms.

The Academy Awards have always been the biggie, but I haven't watched them in over a decade.  It has been difficult to impossible to avoid news of controversial speeches, criticism of nominees, imbalances in race and gender and whatever the current topic-of-the-moment is. The actual films have dropped down the agenda.

As I write this, I am thinking: What's the point of awards anyway? Why do we need them? Money involved, obviously, but why not stop handing out gongs and let the movies find their place in history on their own merits.

BAFTAS, Brits, Golden Globes and all the rest. Who cares? Who?

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