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Monday 7 February 2022


This post might lose me some social media and actual friends, but I don't like dogs around me or near me.  I respect people who adore dogs, cats and other pets and I expect a little of the same respect from those adoring their canine, feline and other friends. I choose not to like pets.

A thing that bothers me, not to any high degree, is that the media has latched on to the notion that we are a nation of dog lovers. The truth is we are a nation where there is a fairly high percentage of the population that love dogs. And I'm okay with that.

But count me out.

The media is increasingly obsessed with dogs and dog owners and the companionship, therapy and health benefits that dogs bring. Good for all those people who get their comforts from pets.

When booking hotels, restaurants and considering pubs, 'dog friendly' turns me off and I take my business elsewhere.

I don't like dogs and that's it.

Don't judge me because I'm not you.


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