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Monday, 13 November 2017


Yesterday – Sunday, 12 November 2012 – The Principal Hotel, Manchester

Along with my son Steven, I went to the Louder Than Words event – “The UK’s biggest music based literature festival” to attend a reading by Michael Bradley, musician, broadcaster, radio producer and writer.

I have blogged and shared my post on his great book Teenage Kicks: My Life As An Undertone. 

Here is the link:

Here's a link to Omnibus Press:

You really should do yourself a favour and buy it.

MB is a brilliant writer and his story of The Undertones punk-rock group from Derry is very informative, very entertaining and very funny. But to hear him read extracts, throwing in the occasional historical aside, brought it all to life in a way that only he could. He was there. He lived the dream and all the rest of it. He was, still is and always will be an Undertone.

It was great to meet him in person. I am a big fan of his BBC Radio Ulster Show (8 to 10 Tuesday evenings) and he once interviewed me for an item on The Arts Show.

Steven enjoyed it too. He is of a different generation but he found the whole thing fascinating.

Thanks Michael. Keep doing what you do.

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