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Monday 20 February 2023



Yesterday, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts gave out its BAFTA awards in a glitzy show.

I dipped in and out of the coverage, something I would not have done when I was much younger.  In my teens and a while beyond them, I was so excited by awards shows, not just BAFTAs but especially the Oscars.  I loved the build-up and the TV coverage.  In short, back then I was glued to every second of those shows.

But now, I find awards shows generally boring and increasingly politically correct to the point where I have lost all appetite for them.

In the UK, we could see the Academy Awards, the BAFTAs and the awful (in my opinion) music BRITS.  The Emmys and Tonys were not picked up by television channels in this country, so they were of little interest.

The trouble with modern awards presentations is that they have become platforms for celebrities to preach and pontificate about whatever issue itches them and they seem to believe that they have a right to share their thoughts with the world.  

To be fair, in the BAFTA snippets I saw last night, there was no evidence of such preaching.  There were pretty poor presenters having a go at humour but failing most of the time to raise a titter.

Still, hats off and ovations to the winners.  They deserve no sarcasm, just applause for their achievements.

It's just a pity the shows have become yawnfests and not worth my time - or the time of many others I suspect.

Ladies and gentlemen, the winner is - tada - The Old Days!

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