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Tuesday, 2 February 2016


Freelance commissions/invitations to

I have written and will continue to write about Belfast (nostalgia, celebrity and personal pieces). Some of this work has been published in the Belfast Telegraph, News Letter and Irish News.

I have written many book, radio, theatre and film reviews for Tribune magazine.

I have contributed to the BBC N Ireland documentary Stephen Boyd: The Man Who Never Was.

I have written my most successful book (steady, not J. K. Rowling stratospheric sales numbers): Stephen Boyd: From Belfast To Hollywood.

I have published humorous and serious poetry in several online and print magazines.

I write about Belfast, the human condition and, when riled, coherent rants about the frustrations and irritations of modern life. (My latest book offering is Beware of the Bull).

I have columns and columns of entertaining and thought-provoking ideas in my head.

I write to order and can turn round 1,000-word articles in hours.

I can be your write-hand man.

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