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Monday, 22 April 2013


Take me back to Fizzlepuff,
to Cracklewhoosh,
where we can mungify
and slapmuzzle
until the ooble-oo
ackalays the clack.

Sunday, 21 April 2013


To the destination of old age,
from the starting point of youth,
we are born with pure intentions
but soon lose our grip on truth.

From the first cry out of the womb,
to the last gasp as time runs out,
life is as long as fate allows, 
the only certainty is doubt.

Here lies the body of the human race,
opportunity lost in deep disgrace.

Friday, 19 April 2013


The gunslinger lies
bleeding to death,
resisting his last breath.

A crowd gathers.
They know his name.
They see his shame.

Once the fastest
draw in the west,
now lying second best.

From this book, available soon in paperback from all major online booksellers. Available

NOW from

Jack Elam, I Gave You The Best Years Of My Life

By Joe Cushnan
I have always loved westerns. I have given westerns a significant chunk of my time through five decades. I stand, metaphorical guns pointing and say, westerns, I gave you the best years of my life. This is a book about nostalgia, about passion, about celebration and about poetry. It’s a kind of scrapbook and memory jogger. There will be lists to illustrate some points and poems to ponder as we mosey on through. Some of the poems are simple, straightforward pieces and some are little scenes from imaginary films or just random cowboy thoughts. The book, as you may have gathered by now, has a central theme – westerns – and a particular name and face as it’s mascot, Jack Elam, the best supporting actor any western film could have wished for. This is not a western encyclopedia, nor a text book, nor a biography, nor anything other than a fan’s indulgence via poetry. But it might just stir up some fond memories and raise a smile from my generation of pretend cowboys, and I hope it also acts as a signpost for younger generations to visit some of the television and cinema features mentioned herein.
ISBN: 9781782993056
Total Pages: 102
Published: 8 April 2013
Price: £5.99

Other books from this Author

» Belfast Backlash
» Geek! Music Poems
» Hamish Sheaney: The Nearly-Man of Irish Literature
» Much Calamity & The Redundance Kid
» Stephen Boyd: From Belfast To Hollywood

Thursday, 18 April 2013


Seven months have passed 
Since I bought my last newspaper.

I grew tired of the news,
Of the analysing of analysis,
Opinions on opinions,
Columns of claptrap,
Surveys and research,
Scare stories and mischief,
Agendas and spin,
Celebrity gossip and angst,
Recipes and lifestyle,
Vouchers and crosswords,
Competitions and junk inserts,
All the bullshit boredom of it all,
Serious reportage mixing with fluff,
Enough was enough was enough was enough.

I miss the odd writer
With an intelligent head
But I have opted for a clutter-free
Existence instead.

I've no regrets, none,
No affection still lingers,
But I do kinda miss
The printing ink on my fingers.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


This is the woman called Margaret Thatcher,
Twas the town of Grantham that did hatch her,
No one in politics could beat or match her,
Now a ceremony will despatch her
Into a chapter in history,
Heroine, villainess or mystery,
Goddess of progress, some would say,
Valiant saviour of the United K,
Baroness monster, others accuse,
Dismantler, divider in sensible shoes,
Sweet in the memory of the true blue rinsed
Bitter to many who are unconvinced.

This is a day to make people sad,
To make people glad, to make people mad,
As they watch the last journey of the Thatcher coffin,
There are hearts that will cry and those that won’t soften.

The is the woman called Margaret Thatcher,
To some so pure, to others rotten,
But whoever she was, whatever she did,
She will never, ever be forgotten.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013


From my book "Jack Elam, I Gave You The Best Years Of My Life", a couple of short bits of cowboy wisdom:

Take some advice from an old cattleman,
I promise, I give you my word,
When thirsty in the midst of a cattle run,
Drink upstream from the herd. 
Sat in my rocking chair in the morning sun,
Sometimes a thought occurs,
So I offer you this sound advice,
Never squat while wearing your spurs.

Jack Elam, I Gave You The Best Years Of My Life

By Joe Cushnan
I have always loved westerns. I have given westerns a significant chunk of my time through five decades. I stand, metaphorical guns pointing and say, westerns, I gave you the best years of my life. This is a book about nostalgia, about passion, about celebration and about poetry. It’s a kind of scrapbook and memory jogger. There will be lists to illustrate some points and poems to ponder as we mosey on through. Some of the poems are simple, straightforward pieces and some are little scenes from imaginary films or just random cowboy thoughts. The book, as you may have gathered by now, has a central theme – westerns – and a particular name and face as it’s mascot, Jack Elam, the best supporting actor any western film could have wished for. This is not a western encyclopedia, nor a text book, nor a biography, nor anything other than a fan’s indulgence via poetry. But it might just stir up some fond memories and raise a smile from my generation of pretend cowboys, and I hope it also acts as a signpost for younger generations to visit some of the television and cinema features mentioned herein.
ISBN: 9781782993056
Total Pages: 102
Published: 8 April 2013
Price: £5.99

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Margaret Thatcher, ex-PM has died,
Half the nation has crumbled and cried,
Some couldn't abide her,
'Coz she was a divider -
Remorse? It depends on your side.

For some she was the sperm of Satan,
For some was a leader with wow,
She was only a grocer's daughter,
But she taught Sir Geoffrey Howe.

Thursday, 4 April 2013


4 April 2013

A father convicted of killing six of his children in a fire at his Derby house has been 
jailed for life.

Mick Philpott, 56, was told at Nottingham Crown Court he would serve a minimum of 15 years in prison.  

He was convicted of manslaughter along with his wife Mairead and friend Paul Mosley, who were told they would serve half their 17-year sentences. 








Rest in peace, children.
Rest in peace.