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Sunday, 22 January 2023



The Times Atlas of the World (First prize in the Sunday Times Crossword) - value £50.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have an admission to make. 

I am a competitions junkie.  

If I see a prize worth going for, I enter.  In the past several years, I have won:

a Mini car (that's a real car, not a toy!)
a £4,500 holiday to Alberta, Canada
a £500 cosmetics/perfumes hamper
a £120 Cross ballpoint pen
a TV
an X Box
tickets to see The Three Tenors at Wembley
a bench top tool system/saw set
a weekend in Cornwall
a cookery school weekend in Aldeburgh
several National Lottery tenners
several Premium Bond £25s and a couple of £125s
an outdoor jacket
a laptop computer
a selection of computer accessories
a lot of books
a lot of DVDs
a lot of CDs
several gift cards
£1,000 cash in a radio competition
a hamper of ancient grains, flour, yeast and a bread recipe book

Entering competitions is fun and can be very cheap. I go for free entry comps or, if interested enough, I'll stretch to postcards and stamps. I never, ever enter by phone call 
or text. Those methods of entry are mugs' games, very expensive at rates that might hover around £2 or more a minute and they keep people hanging on for far longer than a minute.

If you are looking for a fun hobby, go on, have a go. If you're not in, you can't win.

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