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Wednesday 4 November 2020





The Pivot Questionnaire comprises 10 questions. I have seen it used on the television show Inside The Actor's Studio, presented by James Lipton. Apparently Proust was the original inspiration. The modern questions originated on a French TV show called Bouillon de Culture, hosted by Bernard Pivot. I have expanded the questions to 12, and left room at the end for encouraging words.

This run of A Dozen Questions is by invitation only - 12 writers (of many) I admire.

Roger has spent his working life largely in the worlds of books (as a retail bookseller) and the care-sector (supporting those who look-after family with illness/long-term conditions). During a mid-life re-assessment he rediscovered a love of poetry and since then has enjoyed developing his ability to broker observations of the world into words. His poetry has been displayed in art galleries, a poetry garden by the Rhine and in various online and print magazines - 'Elbow Room', 'Liminal Residency', 'Re-Side', 'SpillWords', 'Anthropocene', 'Lyrical Aye', 'Dream Catcher' and a recent project by ‘Ice Floe Press’. He is a prize winner in the 2020 Manchester Cathedral Poetry Competition and was commended in the 2019 Gloucestershire Writers Network Competition. He can be found on Twitter at @RogerHare6

 Roger Hare's Dozen Answers, 

and some encouraging words in conclusion.


Q: What is your favourite word? 

A: Seaside. If there was a word like ‘Oceanside’ I’d have that, because I adore being on the wild Atlantic coast to soak up the air, the noise and the sights. 

Q: What is your least favourite word?

A: Ought. I’ve lived at various times under the tyranny of this word.


Q: What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? 

A: Visiting an artist's studio. I’m fascinated by the spaces and processes of anyone engaged in creativity. Watching and talking-with people passionate for the endeavours is something that stirs my soul. 

Q: What turns you off? 

A: 'Alpha’ male egos. Just don’t do anything for me.

Q: What is your favourite song? 

A:  ‘I’m Still Standing’ by Elton John. This became a theme tune following a period of anxiety and panic-attacks in my 20’s and has retained its value through various other happenings since! 

Q: What is your favourite film? 

A:  ‘Local Hero’. With all those stretches of sand on the West Scotland coast, gentle humour, mild peril and a Hollywood legend this came out top of a close list.

Q: What is your favourite curse word?

A:  Piss …… . Not my most used but my favourite – all that ssssssss!


Q: What sound or noise do you love? 

A:  Waves on a beach.

Q: What sound or noise do you hate? 

A: Any sort of domestic building work – heard this too much over the years; often right next door!

Q: What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? 

A: Geologist – I did study this for a bit but dropped it in favour of other (at the time) more mainstream subjects. I love what the hidden says about the visible. 

Q: What profession would you not like to do? 

A:  Dentist – drills, blood, spit gaping flesh……., yurgh!

Q: If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? 

A: You’re OK.

Q: Any words of encouragement for writers and writing?

A: Trust yourself and write what you want to write until what you write looks like you.


If you want to make a living out of this stuff then find someone whose work you admire and find out how they got where they are. 




Thank you Roger for your dozen answers

and words of encouragement.  

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