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Monday, 12 May 2014


No squeak of hinge,
No floorboard creak,
No rattle of the slat blind,
No swish of breeze
As he looked around
At what he'd leave behind.

No unsettled crockery,
No ornaments disturbed,
No regrets or sorrows,
No sign he was perturbed.

No gravel crunch,
No footstep taps,
No scuff of shoe on ground,
He ignored the pull of commitment's cry
As he left without a sound.

Sunday, 11 May 2014


Department for Business, Innovation and Skills,
Too expensive,
No money.

Department for Communities and Local Government,
Too expensive,
No money.

Department for Culture, Media and Sport,
Too expensive,
No money.

Department for Education,
Too expensive,
No money.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Too expensive,
No money.

Department for International Development,
Too expensive,
No money.

Department for Transport,
Too expensive,
No money.

Department for Work and Pensions,
Too expensive,
No money.

Department for Energy and Climate Change,
Too expensive,
No money.

Department for Health,
Too expensive,
No money.

Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
Too expensive,
No money.

Home Office,
Too expensive,
No money.

Ministry of Justice,
Too expensive,
No money.

Northern Ireland Office,
Too expensive,
No money.

Scotland Office,
Too expensive,
No money.

Wales Office,
Too expensive,
No money.

Office of the Leader of the House of Commons,
Too expensive,
No money.

Office of the Leader of the House of Lords,
Too expensive,
No money.

Ministry of Defence,
Richer than the rest,
Ta-da -
Bottomless war chest.